Kings & Queens

Bres Mac Elatha


Name:  Eochu Bres / Bress / Mac Elathan


Race:  Fomorian-Tuatha Dé Danann


Father:  Elatha (A Fomorian King)


Wife:  Brigit


Profession:  King, Warrior, Farmer, Magician

Bres Mac Elatha had Fomorian ancestry on his paternal side and the Tuatha Dé Danann on his maternal side. 

He came into power after Nuada his predecessor lost an arm in battle.  He was not a very popular ruler as he was very parsimonious, a trait which The Tuatha Dé despised and so the chieftains tried to oust  him from power.  He retaliated calling for back up from his father's side of the family the Fomorians and so the Second Battle of Magh Tuiredh began.

Stories, Myths and Legends associated with Bres Mac Elatha:

Bres Mac Elatha and the Tuatha Dé Danann


The Second Battle of Magh Tuiredh


The Story of the Tuatha De Danann


Deathtales of the Tuatha De Danann


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