Warriors, Heroes & Villains 

Laegaire the Triumphant



Name:  Laegaire / Loegaire / Battle-Winner / 'Buadhach'


Clan: Rudraige


Profession:  Warrior Chariot-Chief


Father:  Connad Mac Iliach


Paternal Grandfather: Iliach Mac Cas 


Wife: Fedelm kin to Conchobar Mac Nessa


King:  Conchobar Mac Nessa


Friends:  Cúchulainn  Conall the Victorious  Fergus Mac Roig


Charioteer:  Sedlang Mac Riangabra


Associated Sites:  Emain Macha


Province:  Ulster


Army:  The Red Branch

Laegaire Battle-Winner was a comrade in arms of Cúchulainn and Conall the Victorious.  He was a member of the Red Branch army serving under King Conchobar.  He went to train with Cúchulainn with Scathach the warrior woman but he was turned back by magical spells and could not make the journey.

Stories, Myths and Legends associated with Laegaire

The Feast of Bricriu


The Wasting Sickness of Cúchulainn


Cúchulainn trains with Scathach


The Awakening of the Men of Ulster


The Fair of Tailtiu


The Birth of Cuchulain by Lady Gregory


The Feast of Bricriu and The War of the Words


The Courting of Emer


Dindshenchas Teamhair (Tara)


Scél Muicce Mac Dathó


The Story of Mac Dathó's Pig



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