Helpful Charms


For the Fairy Dart

Fairy Darts are generally aimed at the fingers, causing the joints to swell and grow red and inflamed. 

An eminent fairy-woman made the cure of fairy darts her  speciality, and she was sent for by all the country round, and was generally successful. 

But she had no power unless asked to make the cure, and she took no reward at the time;  not till the patient was cured, and the dart extracted.

The treatment included a great many incantations and much anointing with a salve, of which only she had the secret. 

Then she proceeded to extract the dart with great solemnity, working with a small instrument, on the point of which she finally produced the dart.

This proved to be a bit of flax artfully laid under the skin by the malicious fairies, causing all the pain, and of course on seeing the flax no one could doubt the power of the operator, and the grateful patient paid his fee.

 Source version can be found in Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms and Superstitions of Ireland.  By Lady Wilde. 1888.


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