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Standing Stones

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Name -: Fenagh Standing Stone - Site 4.

Location -: Aghoo  road, Fenagh, Co Leitrim.

Access -: There is no road access or a path to this site. Take the Ballinamore road north out of Fenagh Village and take the first road on the right. Travel east for a third of a Km. and pull over. This Standing Stone is just south off the road. Cross the field and  embedded in the first hedgerow you come to Fenagh Standing Stone - Site2, Fenagh Standing Stone Site4 is just to the South-West of this stone in the next field over. With Fenagh Standing Stone Site3, just to the East of it.

Description -: This is a unusual stone.  It is the South-Western stone in an triangle of stones. Fenagh Standing Stone -Site 2 is the Northern stone, and Fenagh Standing Stone - Site 3 is the South-Eastern Stone.

From the picture above you can see that there is a indentation in the top right corner. There also appears to be a circle surrounding the indentation. The indentation is on the right side of the circle in the picture above. We will be taking a closer look at this stone at a later date. We will also take a closer look at the circle to see if it is carved or natural. So more to come on this site.

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Measurements -: This site comprises 1 stone

Standing Stones -:  1 Stone - Height -220cm , Length -80cm , Width -40cm .

Lat. -: 54° 01.3' N ; Long. -: 07° 49.8' W

Other Sites close by

Fenagh Standing Stones - Site1 , Site2 , Site3 , Site4  ;Fenagh Portal Tomb ; Fenagh Court Tomb ; Fenagh Megalithic Tomb ; Longstones Standing Stones ;


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