Helpful Charms

Against Wounds and Poisons

"The poison of a serpent, the venom of the dog, the sharpness of the spear, doth not well in man. 

The blood of one dog, the blood of many dogs, the blood of the hound of Fliethas - these I invoke. 

It is not a wart to which my spittle is applied. 

I strike disease;  I strike wounds. 

I strike the disease of the dog that bites, of the thorn that wounds, of the iron that  strikes. 

I invoke the three daughters of Fliethas against the serpent.

Blessings on this body to be healed; blessings on this spittle;  blessings on him who casts out the disease.

In the name of the gods whom I adore.

So be it."

Note: this is an adaptation of a christianised charm.  Source version can be found in Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms and Superstitions of Ireland.  By Lady Wilde. 1888.


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