The Fear Dearg


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The Fear Dearg, pronounced far darrig - 'Red Man' was the practical joker of the fairy realm. 

He always dressed in red and played many tricks upon unsuspecting mortals. 

He preferred to work alone.

Sometimes he would come in to warm himself by a person's fire and if the people of the house raised no objections to him they prospered, but if any said any words against him bad luck happened to that person.

Source: O'Hanlon, rev. John (Lageniensis), Irish Folklore: Traditions and Superstitions of the country. first published 1870, republished E.P publishing Ltd., 1973.

Stories, Myths and Legends associated with The Fear Dearg

The Lucky Guest

Diarmid Bawn

Ned Sheehy's Excuse

Teigue of the Lee



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